It was a Summers day … the day started well weather wise but unfortunately the day ended with intense winds, darkening skies, and torrential rain, not unusual these past couple of years. However, this did not dampen Rachel & Ciaran day. At least the rains held off until the wedding breakfast where we were safely in the Swan Hotel in Southwold.

The couple’s wedding ceremony was held in the Sacred Heart Church in Southwold, a beautiful ceremony and thereafter the guests walked to the nearby Swan Hotel for the reception. Rachel, Ciaran, and I were driven to Southwold Pier where we started with the couple photographs. I simply love couple shots amongst the public, always creates a lovely atmosphere. Being a Suffolk wedding photographer and being asked to photograph along our gorgeous coastline always creates a buzz amongst all!

We started with the pier and then onto the beach. The clouds were certainly dramatic, and the winds were blowing a gale by now. I felt for Rachel, her hair being blown, but she took it all in her stride and was willing to even stand on the sea defenses. Amazing bride, thank you. It was then onto the sand dunes. Now, the clouds were almost ready to release the rain, but we were lucky. After gaining some great shots it was back to the Swan and a chance to freshen up before the wedding breakfast.

Listening to the speeches, entertaining as usual but even more so as the Father of the Bride, Steve, performed a magic illusion which was well received. There was a moment or two when the bride went over to Ken, her grandfather. I know as a father the pride one feels on such seeing your daughter getting married. I cannot imagine the emotion as a grandfather though. Simply overwhelming! I had a chance to chat with Ken, the grandfather in a quiet room away from the buzz of the reception, a lovely moment. It was such a beautiful day and I thank Rachel and Ciaran; you were both awesome!