2020 is certainly a year we are all going to remember. The challenges given to couples in planning their weddings were unimaginable. The wedding industry had and too this date has been left to its own devices to survive. Survive we will. To celebrate we will. Weddings will return and uncertainty will lead to certainty and we will thrive once again, albeit in a new “normal”.

There were some weddings that took place during 2020, very, very different to weddings once planned but go ahead they did! Under very strict COVID ruling I photographed a handful of the most meaningful, most loved and most special weddings I have photographed in 15 years. Todays blog post is for Helena & Stuart, a Leeds Castle wedding. It was photographed at the end of August 2020 and I have some images I would love to share with you on their most intimate day.

As a Kent wedding photographer I am blessed to be able to share and document special moments in peoples lives and this wedding was no exception. The entire wedding “guest list” constituted of the Bride and Groom, the two wedding officials, the Leeds Castle wedding planner. the violinist and myself.  Magical, intimate and so much love! Helena & Stuart day was simply amazing to the extreme. They have planned to hold the “wedding party” in June 2022 at Leeds Castle. Bring it on … we all need to let our hair down and party!!

I have selected just a few images from their day which shows some beautiful moments from an intimate and beautiful wedding.

Thanks go out to Louise Roots for the wedding flowers and Leeds Castle for their impeccable organisation and the most romantic backdrop!




Helena & Stuart: Leeds Castle Helena & Stuart: Leeds Castle Helena & Stuart: Leeds Castle Helena & Stuart: Leeds Castle Helena & Stuart: Leeds Castle Helena & Stuart: Leeds Castle Helena & Stuart: Leeds Castle Helena & Stuart: Leeds Castle Helena & Stuart: Leeds Castle Helena & Stuart: Leeds Castle Helena & Stuart: Leeds Castle Helena & Stuart: Leeds Castle Helena & Stuart: Leeds Castle Helena & Stuart: Leeds Castle Helena & Stuart: Leeds Castle Helena & Stuart: Leeds Castle Helena & Stuart: Leeds Castle Helena & Stuart: Leeds Castle Helena & Stuart: Leeds Castle Helena & Stuart: Leeds Castle Helena & Stuart: Leeds Castle Helena & Stuart: Leeds Castle Helena & Stuart: Leeds Castle Helena & Stuart: Leeds Castle Helena & Stuart: Leeds Castle Helena & Stuart: Leeds Castle